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موقع شخصي
الاستاذ الدكتور اياد غني اسماعيل برزنجي
Qualification: PhD in Computer Science
Scientific Title: Professor at August 2012
Specialty: Research (in mobile network, cloud computing, distributed Systems, information/healthcare systems, bioinformatics, biotechnology and biomedical Eng), Advising, Counselling, Teaching, Training and Curriculum Development using European/Germany standards.
Working Address: President of Al-Kitab University - Altun Kupri-Kirkuk, IRAQ
Visit URL: http://www.uoalkitab.edu.iq/eng/poffice/
University Website :
Official Email: ayad.ghany@uoalkitab.edu.iq
Email (Public): dr.ayad.ghany.ismaeel@gmail.com
Summary Biography:
Currently I'm President of Al-Kitab University and Professor, computer science PhD, visiting professor and senior lecturer at undergraduate and postgraduate (doctorate, master, and higher diploma) studies in major topics of computer science, information systems engineering and software engineering at the universities of Baghdad and Kurdistan region, IRAQ. Professor Ismaeel is editorial, advisor, reviewer board and program committee member for different international journals and conferences, having developed a strong record in research since joining the faculty. His research interests cover the fields of mobile networks, semantic web, cloud computing, GPS&GIS techniques, distributed databases, information systems, bioinformatics and bio-computing. He has many publications in international and national journals and conferences, supervising PhD, M.Sc and higher diploma degree projects in software engineering and computer science, also participating in different discussion, examination and scientific PhD and M.Sc committees.
I'm participated multiple workshops and courses, which provided me experience and support in Advising, Counselling, Teaching, Training and Curriculum Development: (Sample of this participations)
Course Certificate of (Pedagogical Training of Trainers and Teachers) from DrKoerner Consult- Germany, Sponsor GIZ-Germany, at period 11 to 22 Dec. 2011.
Advance Training Course Certification of Pedagogical Training of Trainers and Teachers) from DrKoerner Consult- Germany, Sponsor GIZ-Germany, Koblenz/Germany from 17 to 28 Sep. 2012.
Impart Advanced Learning and Teaching Methods in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Workshop certificate, Sponsor GIZ-Germany, at period 23 to 27 February 2014.
PROCTOR AGREEMENT of Internet & Computing Core Certification IC3, International British Institute–Erbil/Iraq at 13 Oct. 2011
Effective Styles of Leadership Certificate, Accredited by the British Accreditation Council, at 23rd Oct. 2011.
More details see my CV:
Ceremony award me the membership of the Oxford Academic Union, Oxford - United Kingdom on December 17, 2019
Awarded a certificate and special stamp as member of the Academic Union, Oxford-UK....
My demonstration about Al-Kitab University, Kirkuk-IRAQ in Europe Business Assembly, Oxford-UK at 17 Dec. 2019

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International Multi-Disciplinary Conference 2020 with theme: “Sustainable Development and Smart Planning” this conference is Virtual event which .held at 28-30 June 2020 , Turkey
Updated: 08th August, 2020